Introducing Southside
Southside is a thriving and busy part of the City and proud to reflect the amazing diversity of Birmingham. It is vibrant and embraces Chinatown (Chinese Quarter), The Gay Village.
It is also home to the Hippodrome, the busiest single theatre in the United Kingdom, and the busiest venue for dance outside of London.
The massive in-development site at Smithfield will add hugely to the Southside appeal for residents, business and visitors to the city.
Artists impression of Smithfield. Credit: Lendlease.
This feature, full of links, articles and photography, provides a great introduction to the amazing Southside.
Southside BID Team
Overseeing the development of the district and supporting business in the area is Southside BID (Business Improvement District).
The Southside BID team describes Southside as the Cultural "heart of the City".
Current Chair of the Southside BID is Lawrence Barton, who is a key figure in Southside and highly respected across the community.
For more on Southside BID, connect HERE.
Cultural events at Southside
World renowned cultural events are held in Southside and two with particular global appeal are Birmingham Pride and the annual Chinese New Year Celebrations.
Diversity at Southside
It is the ability of Southside to bring diverse groups together that stands out about this particular district of Birmingham, engaging and representing a community though the power of creative expression.
Rainbow Crossing in Southside. Courtesy Rewired PR.
Pride Festival. Photography by Barry Whitehead.
Pride Festival. Photography by Fay Loewy.
Floral canopy in Southside. Photography by Elliott Brown.
For more on Southside
Southside Bid Team
0121 643 3720